food. family. sanctuary.

grow food Laura Lemon grow food Laura Lemon

2022 Garden Journal - May 26

When I took time to reflect on the garden thus far and look back at last year’s notes to compare how things are going I realized that we are so far ahead of where we were last year! Everything is planted except our in-ground bed of corn, squash, and some herb ground cover and our kitchen garden on our deck and patio.

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grow food Laura Lemon grow food Laura Lemon

2022 Garden Journal - 5.7.22

Gardening at this time of the year is like playing on a teeter totter - one side holds the rush of the season, the never ending to do lists and the feeling that there’s not enough time to get it all done; the other tells us to slow down, unpredictable weather makes knowing when to plant difficult, heavy spring rains that keep us inside, grateful for the rest deep down.

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grow food, DIY Laura Lemon grow food, DIY Laura Lemon

How we built our raised beds

Last year (2021) we built 10 raised beds. Using 2x4 lumber this would have cost us over $100 per bed. That kind of price is not in our budget. So we used cedar fence pickets. Last year a 6” x 6’ cedar fence picket was only $2 (or less), making the cost per bed around $20. TWENTY DOLLARS.

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sanctuary Laura Lemon sanctuary Laura Lemon

Monthly words of intention

I, like most, fall into the annual trap of setting a resolution in January and failing to keep up with it once the appeal of the new year wears off. This year I decided that instead of a resolution I would set monthly words of intention to help ground and focus my attention each month.

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grow food Laura Lemon grow food Laura Lemon

2022 Garden - What we’ve learned so far

We started seeds in mid-February so we have had about 6 weeks of gardening under our belt already. It may not be the back-breaking, sweaty, dirt-under-your-nails type of gardening that happens from late April through June (and beyond) but it’s still gardening!

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plant based recipes Laura Lemon plant based recipes Laura Lemon

Banana Blueberry Bread

It might be a crime to make plain banana bread. Yeah, I said it. The addition of things like tart berries, chewy dried fruit, crunchy nuts, and decadent chocolate chunks just ADDS to the deliciousness of the bread. And it’s an excuse to eat dessert for breakfast so why not go all out?

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sanctuary Laura Lemon sanctuary Laura Lemon

January Word of the Month - RECHARGE

While the days are still full of darkness

I intend to use the space created by the slowness

To visualize my gardens

I intend to use the time inside

To learn about sourdough

I intend to use the energy created by the calmness

To fall into a new routine that is centered on goals and intention

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grow food Laura Lemon grow food Laura Lemon

Carrots - Types & Tips

Carrots are one of the items that we ALWAYS have in the fridge. We started giving them to the dogs instead of traditional treats a while back and we cook with them a lot. We have tried to grow them every year that we’ve had a garden (2022 will be year 6) and have never had an impressive harvest. We just plant them and pay no attention to the varieties that we are growing or what carrots actually need to grow successfully.

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food Laura Lemon food Laura Lemon

2021 Garden Recap

I’m one of those people who loves checking things off the list, so it feels pretty damn good to have checks next to each of our goals. We were far from perfect, so let’s dive in further…

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rescue animals Laura Lemon rescue animals Laura Lemon

Why goats?

We are lucky enough to have had an established pasture with a solid barn that has water and electric when we bought our property. It’s what sealed the deal for me.

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food, family Laura Lemon food, family Laura Lemon

Why we need to stop referring to homesteading as “the simple life”

Certain aspects of my life are simpler because I choose to stay at home part-time and raise our daughter, grow and preserve food, and consume fewer new items. The ease that comes with homesteading is more of a mental sigh, a deep breath of gratitude for allowing yourself to be connected to nature, and pride for the beauty and abundance that you’ve created in reciprocity with nature.

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