2022 Garden Plans

How does the saying go? The best-laid plans of mice and men oft go astray. This is definitely true when it comes to garden plans. BUT planning your garden is still a super valuable task. It encourages you to take inventory of the seeds you have. You learn what seeds and how many of each you need to buy. You have time to think about crop rotations. Garden planning usually has a reflective element to it as well - think about success of different varieties, placement, etc. There are so many logical benefits to garden planning but I think my favorite is just thinking and talking about growing things during winter.

I also use this time to plan out some minor garden goals.

  • Plant cover crops

  • save more seeds

  • dry flowers

  • weigh harvests

  • only eat homegrown greens during summer months

Some highlights of our 2022 garden plan:

  • brand new flower garden!

  • going to try sunflowers in the pasture and see how many can survive the goats

  • always leave some space for overflow

  • new deck container garden for Aurora

  • it will be our first year growing onion from seed

  • plan to try a new trellis system for the peas


Banana Blueberry Bread


January Word of the Month - RECHARGE