2022 Garden Journal - May 26

It’s one of those weeks where to list of things to do is overshadowing the list of things that are done. Just that time of the year!

When I took time to reflect on the garden thus far and look back at last year’s notes to compare how things are going I realized that we are so far ahead of where we were last year! Everything is planted except our in-ground bed of corn, squash, and some herb ground cover and our kitchen garden on our deck and patio. We are waiting on a shipment of garden beds from Vego Garden for our kitchen garden and I’m anxiously keeping tomato and pepper plants alive in tiny pots until we can get them in our new metal raised beds.

We worked all week on improving our garden fence to better protect from pests. We are working on a YouTube video that will go into detail on what we are doing to keep critters out of our garden this year. It’s a good thing we did too because we’ve seen evidence of a raccoon already! Make sure you subscribe to our channel so you don’t miss any updates!

Now that the beds are planted I find myself checking for signs of harvest every day. I somehow think the growing process will speed up now that everyone is in their permanent home. I plucked 10 chamomile flowers to dry, a few kale leaves for dinner, a few mushrooms from the bed we inoculated last year and that’s about it so far. A month from now I will be filling baskets and I am SO READY.

It seems that the allure of the hugelkultur bed has finally died off for the goats. Thankfully! I was so disappointed that they were jumping in there to munch on our goodies. I love looking out our living room window and seeing growth on that bed though!

Our creekside garden is planted with a lovely combination of tomatoes, onions, lettuce, and flowers.

We shared some garden challenges on Instagram this week and asked others to do the same. So many responses came in but they could all be summed up with these three things: weather, pests, time. It made me feel very connected and grateful for the gardening community that we’ve found on Instagram and such a lovely reminder that we all face similar challenges. Garden with grace, friends!

We’re hoping for a productive weekend and some more general cleanup and prep for the busy growing season ahead but that’s about all we have to report this week!

Happy gardening!


Fall Garden Guide


2022 Garden Journal - 5.7.22