Hippie•billy | noun | one who lives a life guided by nature, often employing resourceful solutions to challenges

We are the Lemons and we are so glad you’re here.
When we started to look for a home we joked about buying a farm. It was a joke because we couldn’t afford a farm, or so we thought, and we had little to no farming experience despite both growing up in farm families. So when Josh sent LL the link to the property listing that is now Hippiebilly Homestead, LL knew that this was it. A little neglected, but oozing with potential.
A month into owning the property our neighbor asked if we wanted his goat. We looked each other in the eyes and knew that Crybaby was ours. Crybaby has since passed, but he made us farmers and deeply imprinted on our souls.

Hippiebilly Homestead is home to LL, Josh, Aurora, and six rescues: Rigby (dog), Roland (dog), Donnie (cat), Pluto (goat), Captain Squigs (goat), and Lenny (goat). Not to mention all of our wild friends.

We’re looking forward to sharing the growth of our family, garden, and sanctuary with you. We will share some of the lessons we’ve learned along the way (most of them the hard way), our experiences as homesteaders, nature-focused meditations, and much more.