Monthly words of intention

I, like most, fall into the annual trap of setting a resolution in January and failing to keep up with it once the appeal of the new year wears off. This year I decided that instead of a resolution I would set monthly words of intention to help ground and focus my attention each month.

Today is April 1st, so the start of our fourth word. I’m looking forward to this month but thought I’d take a second to reflect on this idea first. So far it has been a similar experience to resolutions, where the beginning of the month is focused on the word and the intentions set for the month and they sort of fizzle out as the days go on. But that’s sort of the point, right? With one yearly resolution that fizzle happens in January. What happens the rest of the year? With monthly intentions the focus renews every 30-31 days!

  • January’s word was RECHARGE. I was so burnt out. I didn’t really get to recharge fully until the end of the month but I took a 7 day break from social media, allowed myself to rest, and gave myself time and space to think about my growth and what I wanted that to look like.

  • February’s word was FEED. Honestly, I don’t remember anything meaningful about February. It’s my least favorite month and always a hard one for me mentally. I didn’t factor that into my choice for the intention of the month and that shows!

  • March’s word was SOW. I kicked off the month with 7-days of journal prompts inspired by the idea of using today to sow the kind of tomorrow you want. I found that really inspiring.

April’s word is DIG - to break or move earth, usually in search of something.

What are you in search of? Do you know where to dig in order to find it?


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