food. family. sanctuary.

grow food Laura Lemon grow food Laura Lemon

Gardening with Kids

The more independent and mobile your baby gets, the more attentive and flexible you need to be. I said a lot of “don’t eat that”, “that’s not ripe yet” and did a lot of diverting. I found it rewarding to spend time with her outside and teach her something new. “Here’s a dandelion. It’s yellow. Can you find me another dandelion?”.

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grow food Laura Lemon grow food Laura Lemon

Planting for Pollinators

Gardening is a great way to promote the activity and life cycles of pollinators. You can naturally attract, protect, and promote the activity of pollinators by using these simple tips!

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grow food, DIY Laura Lemon grow food, DIY Laura Lemon

How we built our raised beds

Last year (2021) we built 10 raised beds. Using 2x4 lumber this would have cost us over $100 per bed. That kind of price is not in our budget. So we used cedar fence pickets. Last year a 6” x 6’ cedar fence picket was only $2 (or less), making the cost per bed around $20. TWENTY DOLLARS.

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