food. family. sanctuary.

grow food Laura Lemon grow food Laura Lemon

Planting for Pollinators

Gardening is a great way to promote the activity and life cycles of pollinators. You can naturally attract, protect, and promote the activity of pollinators by using these simple tips!

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grow food Laura Lemon grow food Laura Lemon

Seed Packets - all the info you need for successful growing!

Seed packets are akin to food labels, it seems no one really reads them anymore and if they do, they aren’t sure what they’re reading. There’s a lot of jargon that I often take for granted - hardiness zone, hardening, direct sow, transplant, maturity, annual, biennial, and that’s just on the seed packet! Let’s decode some of this info so you can get growing with confidence this season!

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grow food Laura Lemon grow food Laura Lemon

2022 Garden - What we’ve learned so far

We started seeds in mid-February so we have had about 6 weeks of gardening under our belt already. It may not be the back-breaking, sweaty, dirt-under-your-nails type of gardening that happens from late April through June (and beyond) but it’s still gardening!

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