food. family. sanctuary.

grow food Laura Lemon grow food Laura Lemon

Gardening with Kids

The more independent and mobile your baby gets, the more attentive and flexible you need to be. I said a lot of “don’t eat that”, “that’s not ripe yet” and did a lot of diverting. I found it rewarding to spend time with her outside and teach her something new. “Here’s a dandelion. It’s yellow. Can you find me another dandelion?”.

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food, family Laura Lemon food, family Laura Lemon

Why we need to stop referring to homesteading as “the simple life”

Certain aspects of my life are simpler because I choose to stay at home part-time and raise our daughter, grow and preserve food, and consume fewer new items. The ease that comes with homesteading is more of a mental sigh, a deep breath of gratitude for allowing yourself to be connected to nature, and pride for the beauty and abundance that you’ve created in reciprocity with nature.

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