food. family. sanctuary.

grow food Laura Lemon grow food Laura Lemon

2022 Garden Journal - May 26

When I took time to reflect on the garden thus far and look back at last year’s notes to compare how things are going I realized that we are so far ahead of where we were last year! Everything is planted except our in-ground bed of corn, squash, and some herb ground cover and our kitchen garden on our deck and patio.

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grow food Laura Lemon grow food Laura Lemon

2022 Garden Journal - 5.7.22

Gardening at this time of the year is like playing on a teeter totter - one side holds the rush of the season, the never ending to do lists and the feeling that there’s not enough time to get it all done; the other tells us to slow down, unpredictable weather makes knowing when to plant difficult, heavy spring rains that keep us inside, grateful for the rest deep down.

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