food. family. sanctuary.

grow food Laura Lemon grow food Laura Lemon

2022 Garden - What we’ve learned so far

We started seeds in mid-February so we have had about 6 weeks of gardening under our belt already. It may not be the back-breaking, sweaty, dirt-under-your-nails type of gardening that happens from late April through June (and beyond) but it’s still gardening!

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grow food Laura Lemon grow food Laura Lemon

Carrots - Types & Tips

Carrots are one of the items that we ALWAYS have in the fridge. We started giving them to the dogs instead of traditional treats a while back and we cook with them a lot. We have tried to grow them every year that we’ve had a garden (2022 will be year 6) and have never had an impressive harvest. We just plant them and pay no attention to the varieties that we are growing or what carrots actually need to grow successfully.

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food Laura Lemon food Laura Lemon

2021 Garden Recap

I’m one of those people who loves checking things off the list, so it feels pretty damn good to have checks next to each of our goals. We were far from perfect, so let’s dive in further…

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