food. family. sanctuary.

grow food, resources Laura Lemon grow food, resources Laura Lemon

Beginner’s Guide to Growing Cut Flowers

A cut flower is a flower grown to be harvested for bouquets and flower arrangements. Cut flowers are usually known for their long vase life (how long a bloom stays alive after being cut), colorful or dramatic blooms, long stems, unique foliage, or all of the above. Cut flowers can be perennials (plant comes back year after year), annuals (planted every year), bulbs, tubers, or rhizomes.

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grow food, resources Laura Lemon grow food, resources Laura Lemon

Hügelkultur Garden Beds [INFOGRAPHIC]

Traditionally hügelkultur has been used as a way to build soil. Typically you would dig a hole in the ground, line it with large logs (preferably ones that have started rotting or decomposing), stack it with smaller ones, add mulch or leafy debris, and then top it with compost and soil. By the time this pile is constructed, you have a mound that is as tall as it is wide.

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grow food, resources Laura Lemon grow food, resources Laura Lemon

Companion Planting - Simplified!

We could dig up a really complex and scientific definition of companion planting but it’s really just when two or more different crops are planted in the same vicinity in order to benefit at least one of the plants. There are a lot of benefits that companion planting can provide, which is what can make it a little overwhelming.

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grow food Laura Lemon grow food Laura Lemon

Ordering Seeds for Our 2023 Garden

Purchasing seeds can seem like a big investment but growing from seed can actually save you a lot of money when you have a large garden. A packet of seeds is usually $2-$5 and can produce 10-100+ plants. A start from a nursery is $3-$5 and will produce 1-3 plants (typically just one but sometimes there’s an extra one or two plants in that pot!). This post will share where and what seeds I purchased for this season and reflect on some of the mistakes I’ve made in the past.

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grow food Laura Lemon grow food Laura Lemon

Gardening with Kids

The more independent and mobile your baby gets, the more attentive and flexible you need to be. I said a lot of “don’t eat that”, “that’s not ripe yet” and did a lot of diverting. I found it rewarding to spend time with her outside and teach her something new. “Here’s a dandelion. It’s yellow. Can you find me another dandelion?”.

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grow food Laura Lemon grow food Laura Lemon

Planting for Pollinators

Gardening is a great way to promote the activity and life cycles of pollinators. You can naturally attract, protect, and promote the activity of pollinators by using these simple tips!

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grow food Laura Lemon grow food Laura Lemon

Seed Packets - all the info you need for successful growing!

Seed packets are akin to food labels, it seems no one really reads them anymore and if they do, they aren’t sure what they’re reading. There’s a lot of jargon that I often take for granted - hardiness zone, hardening, direct sow, transplant, maturity, annual, biennial, and that’s just on the seed packet! Let’s decode some of this info so you can get growing with confidence this season!

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grow food Laura Lemon grow food Laura Lemon

2022 Garden Journal - 5.7.22

Gardening at this time of the year is like playing on a teeter totter - one side holds the rush of the season, the never ending to do lists and the feeling that there’s not enough time to get it all done; the other tells us to slow down, unpredictable weather makes knowing when to plant difficult, heavy spring rains that keep us inside, grateful for the rest deep down.

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